June 10, 2008


A friend of mine who happens to b a tamilian was telling the othr day tht she wsnt getting any friend requests in orkut from any great tamil guys tho she ws a member of lotta tamil-related communities.. Call it a miracle or a freak of d world wide web..she found this messge in her orkut inbox the next day( yes som ppl stil accidentally check those junk orkut msgs)

From: xxxxx <**********>
Date: --------------------------
Subject: hai

first i like to tell about myself, i like to relate only with brahmin girls i am born from brahmin family, my family is so interested in god devotion making their ways, so i didn't able to make any girl friends for me, i read your profile, i like to make a good relation ship with you till my life ends, please sent the messages for me in my mail address: , how is your life going on, i like to make more respectable and descently behaved to any one, please tell more details about yourself, take care, god grace you, thank you, i am waiting for your excellent reply, i pray for you anytime, you are the most happiest girl in the world making lot of funnable and enjoyable moments in your part of life, it will be done in your life, i pray for you anytime because i like to make a good relationship with till my life ends in the happiest part of human life, thank you, i like to tell one think because i believe you so much, and i sent you message yesterday, i like you so much and i like to make a long term relation ship with you till my life ends, it becomes truely i am not playing with you just entertainment, i am seriously liking you, so i send you a message, only one think last i tell to you, iam truely give a more dicipline and more respect to you, you also make a true relation ship with me, please i request you to make a message for me immeadietly, i am waitin g for your reply, take care baby, your's affectionaly : seenu from india (tamilnadu)

Yes seenu..we all r very funnable and affectional people :o hmm ive seen fwds like this b4 but this one is an original :o :o :o