June 08, 2007


I had decided not to post anythin more this month coz of xams whch wud be kickin off after 4 days..but it rained in the mornin nd i ws runnin around the yard with a camera...

Therz a peeping ant in the picture :o

close-up of the peeping ant :D

Vaazha after the shower

Duranta/Goldspot chedi...looks best when rainwashed :P

Blue sky again.....


Soumini said...

Very impressive........ keep up the good work.... :)

JK said...

:( couldn't spot the ant in the first pic

examtime is time for blogbreaks :D for the camerarunner :P

Good shots!!

megha said...

@soumini..tanxxx :)

@jk..yea u cnt spot it in the 1st pic..thts why i cropped tht part nd posted the close up as the 2nd pic nd...camerarunner?? thts nice :)

deeps said...

greaat pics...
loving the rains...
sleeping under thick blakets..
those hots cups of coffee..
tht ocassinal wind thts chilly...
its rocking:D